One of the most frequent questions I get about yoga in early pregnancy is about the safety of the embryo or foetus, in particular if you have already gone through the heartbreak of a miscarriage. And even if this is your very first pregnancy, your mind is immediately focused on the growing baby and its safety - and it is therefore our first concern to ensure this.
There is no evidence that doing yoga will harm the baby inside of you, or cause a miscarriage. Technically, early on, the embryo is so tiny, it is well protected. And later on, practicing pregnancy yoga with a pre-natal qualified instructor helps to be guided into poses safely.
But as anything, it's not that straightforward, there are so many factors that make your pregnancy entirely different from any other pregnancy and whilst it is very unlikely that yoga will cause you and the baby harm, it is important that we acknowledge the anxieties and questions you may have - and adjust the practice to keep you both safe.
During pregnancy, your body adapts to the hormonal changes as the baby develops rapidly. This is vital for the formation of your little one. Exercise in pregnancy has been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including:
Reduced morning sickness
Improved sleep
Improved mood
Reduced fatigue
Potentially shorter labour
Easier childbirth
Less risk of a c-section
Reduced risk of constipation and hemorrhoids
Reduced risk of gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension
Improved blood flow to the placenta
Improved ability to manage weight gain and maintain a healthy weight during and after pregnancy.
Low-impact exercise, such as yoga, is very safe during pregnancy and adding in meditation and breath-awareness can help reduce stress, calm your mind and help with sleep during a time where everything can be in upheaval.
Pregnancy, or pre-natal yoga focuses on self-nurture, deep rest, surrender and stillness.
Already doing yoga?
If you are already doing yoga, you can adjust your regular practice to a pregnancy friendly practice. Always speak to your teacher (in confidence) if you are attending classes at the studio as soon as you know you are pregnant so we can adjust your practice accordingly. If you don't want to go public with the pregnancy yet, make sure we know (a) that you are pregnant and (b) you want to keep it secret, then we can work with you to ensure that the adjustments aren't obvious to the rest of the class.
We may ask you to see your midwife or GP before starting yoga with us.
New or new-ish to yoga?
If you have not been practicing yoga regularly before you got pregnant, a dedicated pregnancy yoga class is best as it will be taught by a teacher with pre-/postnatal training. This class is also suitable for experienced students ready to scale their practice back. We will go through an in-depth health questionnaire with you and may ask you to see your midwife or GP before starting yoga with us.
Can Yoga be harmful for the embryo?
Exercise in pregnancy may be harmful if for instance too much pressure is placed on the womb and embryo. Excessive strain on the joints, muscles, and bones can lead to painful conditions like symphysis pubis dysfunction and exertion can cause overheating and dehydration. You can mitigate these risks by making sure that you stick to a few rules:
Always tell your teacher that you are pregnant so the necessary adjustments can be made for you and the baby's safety and comfort.
Always listen to your body. If you don't feel right, are tired, fatigued and nauseous then it may be best to rest instead of coming to a yoga class. Your body is telling you to take it easy, give yourself permission to do so.
Comfort first, rest when needed, use props - and take breaks to drink and stay hydrated.
Avoid deep twists or anything that will compress the womb or abdomen.
Do not practice deep back bends.
Even if you are an advanced yogini, forget your jump backs. By the same token, avoid planks and strong abdominal work. Remember, this is not a time to try to advance your practice, but rather a time to become more in tune with your body and really listen to what it wants to do.
Avoid breath restriction. Focus on regular inbreaths and outbreaths instead.
You are performing a monumental task of growing a human being. Give yourself permission to be gentle, do something that is soothing and relaxing, something that helps you prepare for an even bigger task ahead of you, the birth of your beautiful baby. We are here to support you, please come and ask any questions you may have.
At Unwind Yoga Studio we offer pregnancy and after-pregnancy yoga classes led by a qualified pre-natal yoga teacher.
Check out our timetable for regular classes here, or find out more about our pregnancy yoga class here.